Construction of a two kilometre (1.2 miles) shared cycleway and walkway route, which will connect Findon Valley with the South Downs National Park gateway of Findon Village, started this week.
The new route will provide a new active travel link for those looking to visit the South Downs. It will also connect with an existing cycleway south of the Findon Valley shops, towards the A27, and a signed route into Worthing town centre.
The cycling and walking path will be paid for with money from a government grant for active travel projects. It is part of West Sussex County Council’s active travel plans, which aim to make walking or cycling for work or leisure more appealing, to improve health and support zero emission journeys.
The scheme will be built in five phases, the first of which started on 30 August – these stages will be subject to unforeseen factors, such as severe weather.
A council spokesperson said: “Construction projects such as this will involve some short-term disruption, for which we apologise.
“However, we will work with the contractor to try to minimise inconvenience as much as possible and the long-term benefits of a two kilometre-long cycleway/walkway route off the A24 are clear and it was identified as a priority in the West Sussex Walking and Cycling Strategy 2016-2026.”

The project is set to finish in mid-January 2023.