The inaugural Road User Charging Conference Middle East & Africa will take place next year, it has been announced.
Set to be held on 04-05 June 2024 in Abu Dhabi, Road User Charging Conference Middle East & Africa will highlight the latest tolling technologies, road-user charging projects and intelligent transport systems being implemented across the region.
This brand-new, dedicated industry event will bring together 100 leading public- and private-sector transportation professionals from organisations and businesses based in more than 70 countries across the Middle East and Africa to share best practices, ideas, and information on how to better regulate traffic and generate revenues on highways and major arterial roads in and out of the region’s most congested cities, including Dubai, Cairo and Lagos.
Indeed, a bespoke agenda tailored specifically to countries within the Middle East and Africa will provide insight into a variety of road charging models, including time- and distance-based charging, congestion charging, emission-based charging and all-electronic tolling.
The programme will also tackle a variety of crucial topics and issues that form different parts of the ever-evolving conversation around tolling and road-user charging, such as financing and procurement, enforcement and compliance, payment systems and options, rate setting policies and practices, interoperability, communication and PR, legislation and policy, data and privacy, equity, sustainability and decarbonisation. View the preliminary agenda here.

John Thornton, editor of CiTTi Magazine and chair of Akabo Media’s global Road User Charging Conference series, said: “What makes this particular event so interesting and exciting is how each country’s approach to tolling and road-user charging varies so significantly across the Middle East and Africa, reflecting the vast differences in economic development, urbanisation and government policies across the region.
“While some countries have advanced, technology-driven toll systems, others are still very much developing their infrastructure, which means there’s a real opportunity for this event to facilitate a wide range of perspectives, learnings and information exchange, as well as to act an invaluable networking platform for the region’s key players.”
Indeed, attendees to this unmissable industry event will include Middle Eastern and African toll road operators, toll service providers, toll chargers, system integrators, automotive manufacturers and suppliers, local councils, transportation and highways authorities, state and national government officials, mobile telecom operators, telematics solution providers, independent consultancies, device and equipment suppliers, technology companies and mobility service providers.
Road User Charging Conference Middle East & Africa is the first and only event of its kind in the region and represents the latest iteration of the world-leading Road User Charging Conference series, which boasts established editions in Brussels, Belgium (the original Road User Charging Conference), Miami, Florida (Road User Charging Conference USA), and Singapore (Road User Charging Conference Asia Pacific).
To learn more about Road User Charging Conference Middle East & Africa 2024 – including information about the preliminary agenda as well as speaking and partnership opportunities – please visit