A £1.7bn investment fund to improve roads, repair bridges and fill in millions of potholes across England has been announced by UK transport secretary Grant Shapps
The government’s Transport Infrastructure Investment Fund targets around 11 million potholes and will also see smaller improvements completed to upgrade local networks.
These include enhancing road safety at key locations, installation of priority bus lanes, and creation of projects to aid improvements in air quality experienced during lockdown.

“There has been a monumental effort in every corner of the country to slow the spread of the virus and protect our NHS,” said Shapps.
“However, the battle is not over yet and we urge everyone to keep up the good work and only travel when they need to.
“To help those who do have to use public transport or get out on the roads to do their jobs, we’ve been accelerating infrastructure upgrades to make sure that, as we gradually reopen our society, everyone can benefit from smoother and safer journeys with better connections for our future.”
Shapps added that the government is also accelerating more than £175m of work across England’s road and rail network while people follow the guidance to avoid unnecessary travel.
Some £200m of work on England’s motorways and major A-roads was reportedly carried out in April while £550m of improvements and maintenance were also completed on the rail network.
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